Monday, January 2, 2012

Here's to a Strong 2012!

Happy New Year! 

So I decided to do another competition. It's not really a New Year's resolution since I actually started competition prep a couple of weeks ago. I kind of wish it was a NY resolution, because dieting through the holidays with family sucks. Not only is there a lot of delicious homemade food but everyone wants to go out to eat. Overall, though, I survived.

The holidays were also pretty darn crazy so I didn't get much time to post. I'm still working on sending out Christmas cards. It's cool, we're only on the 9th day of Christmas and Ukrainian Christmas is Jan. 7th so I figure I've got a few more days. :P But, I'm back to posting because it keeps me accountable! 

I'm really excited for this competition. The first one I did for the experience; this time I want to see just how far I can go. I have a fantastic trainer and I already have been making strength gains and getting smaller. It really helps to have a deadline for fitness goals - I see results faster when I am committed to a deadline - I do believe it has something to do with how committed you are to self-control. 

The tricky part this time is my husband is home (yay!). The only upside of a deployment is I only had to worry about cooking for me and stocking the house with only the food I could eat. This go-around I have to also worry about a hungry man who is interested in eating more than chicken and oatmeal all the time. I spent two hours in the grocery store trying to find him food that he would want and I wouldn't. This resulted in a lot of beef jerky, sandwich meat, bread, milk, and spaghetti-o's.  Sweet stuff wreaks is kryptonite for my willpower so it's best not to have it in the house. I really appreciate how supportive he is. He even helped me grill my chicken breasts and zucchini.

Best wishes to you and yours in the new year! Big goals, big dreams! 

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