You'd think I'd learn my lesson, but nope, tonight I was coasting into a gas station again.
So why am I doing such stupid things? I'm pretty sure it's because my carb intake just went to 100% green veggies.

I kind of got over the low-energy hump and I've moved onto the emotional outburst hump.
I almost lost it in the grocery store when the woman next to me kept humming! Humming!!! It was like she was mocking me with her humming, I'm pretty sure that she was humming because she was so happy to be buying pasta as I was on my way to get more tuna. Really, I knew I was being ridiculous but I just got so stressed and irritated from her humming.
Then at the gym tonight I was on the incline press and I was thinking that I wanted to lift heavier but of course my hubby is gone so I didn't have a spotter and I just burst into tears. I'm pretty sure I scared all the guys in the weight area. I should've disguised my sobs with some loud grunting and throwing some weights down.
Now tonight I'm cooking a bunch of food for a work that I can't eat. My house smells like sauteed onions and garlic and tomatoes and beef and I can't have any of it.
It was a really stressful day and I'm fighting off a head cold that even my beloved Netipot isn't doing much for and I gave in and had peanut M&Ms. :( I know, I feel bad and it's my butt on stage in 4 days. But I'm just being honest and I'm not beating myself up for it. Just got to do better tomorrow. Hopefully I didn't upset too many people today. If I did, I'm sorry. Dear people, I love you. If I try to bite your head off, know it's not me. Blame evolution.
Four days.
You look fabulous and your situation (husby-less) sucks. It takes some kind of woman to do the things you do. I'm very proud of you, not just for your progress and willingness to eat really odd things, but for your ability to be ok with yourself when you eat M&Ms! If you were me, you'd have bought the "large" bag and eaten the whole thing in one sitting! You rock!